What kind of mother dresses her child like this, anyway?

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Apparently, I am now that mother.

In the past I have let my children wear strange things at home, but I made them dress in clean, matching clothes when we left the house. This combination of competing stripes hurts my eyes, but today, Erica wore this all day, everywhere we went.

That just goes to show how difficult she is to dress. Once we actually get clothes on Erica, I don't really care anymore what she looks like. She's not yet 2, but she has definite opinions, which of course are unexplainable and vary from day to day. I let her pick her clothes, but when I go to put them on her, she has already changed her mind. Sometimes she will get something half way on, and then change her mind. If I force her into something she has decided against, it means a major tantrum. And once she settles down, she still removes the clothes, and we start all over again.

So I've decided that most of the time, it's enough that she is wearing clothes, regardless of how they look.


I have one of those children. Strong-willed, independent, determined, and so on . . . you definitely have to pick your battles with them!!! Good call on letting her have this one; definitely not worth the battle!
Kyle said…
No worries. I have been that Father for a while now. Welcome to the club!
Kristen said…
Don't you just love that? I have a couple of kids the I have to pick my battles with and sometimes (most of the time) clothes are not the battle I choose.
Ironygirl said…
I feel your pain! Whatever it takes! My problem is Elena loves to take her clothes off; she's my little aspiring nudist.
Anonymous said…
It's amazing how stubborn they become once they hit 2. I always look forward to having my child back afterward. Tommy is back to his sweet self again and Amy has just changed into the child I don't know anymore. So, yes I understand what you are saying.

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