Turbulent times and the Fall of Adam and Eve

Recently I had an experience which highlighted to me the challenging world we find ourselves in. The verses found in Moses 4: 17-21 best summarize the experience. Until the recent experience, I read these verses with the same perspective I gaines years ago in a BYU religion class. I read them in context of this being the pattern Heavenly Father provided for parenting. But this time around I saw something deeper. I also saw a patern for dealing with the consequenses others' poor choices have upon us.

My thinking was changed as I thought about the challenging times we live in. The troubled times we live in are directly tied to these verses (the Fall of Adam and Even and Satan's part in the Plan of Salvation). Satan was cursed for tempting Adam and Eve. Even so, he was also provided power. He is using the power he has to cause as much trouble in this world as he can. Ultimately though, Satan can bruise our heel but we can crush his head. The experience strengthened my testimony. We will come off conqueror, even when another's choice is to turn away from God. Satan’s power may be unleashed to its fullest, but if we keep the faith and keep our covenants we will come off conqueror in the end!


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