Musings on Family Relationships

I've been thinking about the saying, "If Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." I think there is some truth to it, for the parents seem to set the mood of the family. However, I don't think that Mom is made happy by getting her way or having others do nice things for her. I think Mom is happy when she chooses to base her happiness on serving her family. Essentially, if I can find happiness in making my family happy, then we will all be happy.


Brandy said…
I totally agree, but what makes me happy is when my children share my vision of a happy family. Without their cooperation, my happiness is thwarted--no matter how much service I've done in their behalf.

In other words, school needs to start so my kids won't fight with each other so much! :)
Shawnie said…
Good point. No one can person can make everyone happy. Unfortunately, one person can ruin the harmony of the home.

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