Happy Mother's Day

My family just kicked me out of the kitchen so they could prepare dinner on this Mother's Day. I appreciate their efforts now and the rest of the day. This morning the children made breakfast in bed for me, and they showered me with gifts, cards, and drawings. As Kyle sent me out of the kitchen, I was reminded of one the favorite stories from the Brad Crane family.

My parents have 6 children. When Brian, the fifth child, was young (before school age), my father was very busy running his engineering company and serving as bishop. On Mother's Day, my Dad rounded us all up and called us into the bishop's office to remind us to behave and help Mom until he could get home. As soon as Brian walked into the office, he asked, "Dad, is this where you live?"

We have laughed a lot about that over the years, but now that I am a parent, I wonder how that made Dad feel.


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