Josh's Talk

Josh was assigned to give a talk in Primary next Sunday. The theme is "I will follow the prophet." Tuesday I talked to him about what he wanted to say. He decided what to say; I put it in order and wrote it for him. Here is his talk:

President Hinckley used to be our prophet, but now President Monson is our prophet. President Monson likes to fish. He helps people. The prophet teaches us in General Conference. Heavenly Father tells him what to say and what to do. I will follow the prophet. I will keep the commandments and be kind. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

He has been practicing, and last night he read it all by himself (I don't think he really knows how to read all those words, but he can 'read' it since he knows what it is supposed to say.) I hope he does well with it on Sunday. I am proud of him.

As a side note, this morning, Josh has been listening to music and dancing. Right now he is playing Christmas music. Josh really loves music.


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